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Backyard barbecue!

Smokers can be a bit finicky, but are incredibly rewarding once mastered. There are many different varieties of smokers, from electric cans to pellet grills to offset smokers. I personally favor an offset smoker, which has perhaps the longest learning curve but can produce some truly spectacular meats. The most important considerations in smoking are temperature control and wood selection.

Generally speaking, you want the temperature to stay steady and low, usually in the 200-225 F range. Tougher cuts of meat contain lots of connective tissue, which breaks down over longer periods at around 185 F. The wood you use will impart a distinct flavor to the meat. Hickory and mesquite are very common, although I find mesquite to be too strong in flavor for anything but pork. The wood of fruit and nut yield a mild, sweet smoke flavor. My personal favorites are cherry, apple, and pecan.

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